Schindler whiskey streak TeamStreak Oskar Schindler

I'm having drinks at Delgar and Todd's.

Don't know their last names. Can't even spell the former's first name in fact.

While sipping a
in the kitchen I thought about letting my

I thought that for a moment, but then one moment later I thought about
saying "sounds dangerously close to dropping out of
" and I said, fuck that!

I asked Todd what time it was. 11:40.

Still had time.
So I came on here to write something.

Maybe one day I'll be willing to let my streak die. But not yet. Not today.

So enough my premising, here's my actual writing for the day:


I wonder

when we die...

will we see the value in things

Oskar Schindler
looking at his car and his watch

thinking "this car and this watch could've saved so many more people. Why didn't I sell them? I could've.... I could've... I... I..."

Will we think that way...

or will we still be wondering what other people could've done for us.

what wrong they did to us.

Or will we be able to face the end

in peace.