There was a woman, who while not attaining anything really in life, had a perfect and constant reminder of time. Her heart, unlike anyone else's, beat exactly to the second the clock ticking in a room, and she could hear it most of the time. I am not sure how it works nor does any one else. Many of her doctors noted it, and one of the more interested ones did a few tests, but it was still written as an anomaly, because honestly what are the chances. To the woman's daily routine though it wasn't that important she would still take the bus into work, and if the bus was late she was late, or if the bus was early she was early. To her though, she felt like she had a constant metronome, and would notice instantly if something seemed off. She could sense, like when someone gets a new hair cut, how people were feeling that day because their timing was off. Internally, she also had a pressure, this constant tick, told her exactly, how much time she had in the day, and if you extrapolated as she did once, to the average women's age , how much time she had until then and how many beats were left.
Maybe a character?

Good concept/theme