Monday Night RAW

I had already liked pro wrestling -- aka 'fake' wrestling -- before moving in with Dan. If I were by a TV when it was on I'd get excited and watch. But wrestling had never been a thing I planned my schedule around. Mainly because my family rarely had cable. Also because my parents wouldn't approve of me watching grownups fighting in their underwear. I never got yelled at for watching it because I would change the channel if it happened to be on as they walked by. But I could just imagine how awkward it would feel if my mom or dad walked by as John Cena slammed someone on the floor as the announcer yelled "OH MY GOD. CENA HAS JUST HIT HIM WITH THE F-U!!!!!"

Once I was with the Shook's, Kenny, Dan, and I were spending more time together than adults did at their full-time jobs. One thing I learned even before the first weekend ended was how big into wrestling Kenny and Dan were. They had talked about it a lot before when I would come and visit them, but now that I was living with them I saw how it was not only just a show they watched twice a week, but rather a lifestyle phenomenon that they lived nearly every waking hour. Leading up to the first Monday Night RAW that would be playing with me as guest in the house Kenny paraded around the house yelling his make-shift wrestling skits, like he was John Cena coming out to the ring. He even had the WWE CD so that he could blast Cena's Word Life as he did this. 

Still, even with this, I was still shocked when 9PM Monday rolled around. It still shocked me that us kids -- including Dan's younger sister -- were allowed to watch TV, this kind of TV, at this hour out in plain view in the living room while drinking pop. It was awesome.
I watched wrestling when I was a kid mainly because my dad and brothers watched it. I watched it off and on up through college and then took the exit ramp in the late '90s in the Stone Cold/Rock era.
2021-03-08 15:46:37
I just realized that you forego your filter for non-names when it refers to wrestlers.

like jake the snake and stonecold lol
2021-03-08 20:24:33
Well, technically many of them still have names that sound like names without the nicknames. Jake Roberts. Steve Austin. Mankind is definitely a non-name.  
2021-03-08 20:51:59
