
I wouldn't say I am a competitive person, but on a bike I love racing. I ride an old bike that I have spent much more money on than its worth, but it breaks well, and steers good, and is light enough for me to feel fast. A secret way to enjoy my morning commute is by racing people, most of them do not know this, and I don't think care. As I fly by its more fun for me, where they are just going to work. They might think, like why is this guy going so fast, hes just going to work. But they don't know the level of caffeine moving through my blood, nor the thrill of the chase. 

There are two types I like to race the most. School kids, because they are young and should be faster, and they usually get that I want to race them, I have spent almost a whole ride in the morning passing and being passed. But my absolute favorite are the people with bikes that cost more than my yearly rent, clip-less pedals, and tight lycra. They are my biggest target, and sometimes I stand no chance, but other times I take them by surprise, a quicker transition at the light, and I am ahead. 

Maybe its their lycra I fear. Or maybe its there usual extreme seriousness, I wonder how they are at work? Or maybe they just cycled 100k for a morning workout. Either way they are a formidable opponent.