
I thought something was funny earlier so I was going to write it on here, but now I can't remember. This was also kind of funny to me too, so here we are. I had a teacher once say that you should write down the good ideas you have because you don't have that many. He was looking at me when he said this, but I am sure he was talking to the whole class. So now I am stuck here trying to remember what I wanted to say, but also remembering this guy, this strange teacher from the history of science fiction. One of the only things I still practice today from it is writing down what I thought about movies or books or what ever I just consumed. It still surprises me when I go back and read them, you forget things so quickly when you are not totally involved in them. For better and for worse I guess.

 I remember another time in his class we were talking about beauty or beautiful things. I didn't really get the point of the conversation but another person in the class said something profound. Although I didn't really get it, the teacher said that student gets it, and I just accepted that that I might not understand. But now for the life me I can't remember this either, which doubly annoys me, because I didn't understand then and can't remember to try it again now. Maybe I should've written that down.