So I just texted my cousin, How's the job hunt going? and she said, Not well. I only found like two or three things. But then I started looking with her and now we're onto--
Is that how you found that job at the university? Ah that makes sense now.
Yeah. Reaching out.
They say a person is never ready to live so long as they are unprepared to die.
Yeah but what does it mean to be prepared to die?
It means that if you saw yourself dying in the middle of the night, you wouldn't be so ashamed of how you've been acting.
Aren't we all ashamed of certain things?
Yes, but few of amongst us are okay with things. Sure things aren't perfect, but we've come to... accept the consequences. This is different than accepting oneself. You can always strive for improvement. But if you live a certain way... you can get to a point where you could not wake up tomorrow morning, and it'd be alright.