
There is something about the arc of the sun that it follows in the sky. 
But I am not sure gotta get back to work. 
Or there is something about the smell of roses. 
But must focus. 
Or maybe beauty in the simple. 
But there is this deadline, for a project that must get done. 
Then later I have to watch youtube for a few hours, I think I am up to 5 hrs a day on my phone, but the way I am going I will reach 10. 
If you extend that to the whole year its a lot of time, but man are those youtube shorts are interesting, and I got to get the most out of my premium subscription and I want to see Messi's craziest goals, or that guy who builds things out of farm equipment. 
And my amazon prime account now purchases things for me, to save me time.
What else should I do.
Someone recently told me no one works with their hands anymore. 
I couldn't disagree, but I thought that while typing I guess I am. 
There doesn't seem to be enough time in the day for all the thoughts

"There doesn't seem to be enough time in the day for all the thoughts

If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.
Thomas Pynchon

I know this will sound hypocrytical seeing as though I am on here writing posts and reading others' posts... but I think that for the most part consuming posts and watching videos and all that stuff is utilized as a waste of time by the average person.

consuming this kind of stuff isn't inherently bad or good.... isn't inherently useless or useful. it basically is just what it does to the consumer.

for most i observe they just use it as a salve for some deeper burn in life. but that burn will never be healed even if they were to just be given 20 extra hours in a day if those 20 hours were just spent on more shopping and watching more shorts and reading more self help articles and books.

If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.
Apr 4, 2022 2:35 PM
There is a book called bowling alone, and in it the author really hates on TV for being the reason people don't really gather anymore. In bowling clubs or clubs of anything. But he says almost the same thing. For people who do not watch with a purpose, just to relax or something, or out of 'boredom' they don't do social things. But for people who watch with a purpose, like a particular show and then off. They were still social and it wasn't such a negative correlation in their life. 

Maybe there are two boredoms, or you shouldn't try to fix boredom with senseless things. Then they become habits and you're stuck. 
Apr 5, 2022 10:07 AM