I think I write about the
a lot. People have probably written about the sun a lot. The only constant of our days for however long we have been a thing. I guess maybe even before that. Circadian rhythm. It’s found in plants animals and kind of everything in between but it’s a hard thing to figure out how it evolved. Or evolved into what it is now, for us sleep, and schedules very important. People know disruptions are bad but sticking to a schedule good. But the molecule or genetic origins are hard to pin down. Similar to memories. Scientists are still dumbfounded. People even made up theoretical layouts in our minds that hold them, engrams, but they are made up. I guess maybe memories are also, since we still can’t find them.
It’s nice to know we don’t know everything. In some ways it’s annoying. But in other ways it feels to me the same way that looking at the stars feels. Like the universe is is really big and we are so small and that’s fine. The sun will come up again tomorrow and the next day.