From writing consistently since the end of 2018 I've come to cherish the art of consistent writing. Like therealbrandonwilsonsaidwriting is a gift that gives three times.
a gift to yourself
a gift to others
a gift of history
No matter what you write, doing so regularly provides so much history. Simply writing even if it's just a daily mind dump provides a trove of cognitive landmarks to return to in the future. I recommend everybody perform mind dumps regularly. I actually recommend this to be done in private so that it can be as honest as possible. I use RoamResearch.
With Adagia I'm fascinated in helping people maximize the 1st and 2nd gifts (I know... I need to focus in on one eventually). Initially this pursuit had me tunnel-visioned on goal of helping people complete finished projects. I pictured such as being a book or a series of evergreen blog articles or a short story that they felt empowered submitting to a journal.
But then I wondered why I was fixating so much on the form. Why assume that it must be finished pieces of content?
During my two weeks of a building-pause I've reflected more deeply to question why I want to help people write 'finished works'. I learned that I was less wanting to help people finish written works and more wanting to help people do the kind of writing that they can look back on and be proud of.
I believe that although consistent writing is something nobody will regret doing, there are levels to how meaningful each piece is. Before 200WAD closed down, I observed that I had varying levels of attachment to the different pieces and projects I was working on. My level of attachment was not tightly associated with the quality of the writing, but rather something else. I can't pin my finger on that exact thing yet. But I know that I want to help people write as much of that as possible. And that can come in many different forms. Not just a book. A Novella. Or an evergreen series of blogs.
My standing theory is that it's something rooted in community. I'll share as this gets more materialized. For now the abstract framing will have to do.
"Cognitive landmarks" great phrase. If you recall, that response to your prompt almost never happened because that was the draft I lost when there was no auto-saving. 🤣