
I could never be a bodyguard. At least not for a random stranger that I am assigned to protect above my own my life.

How does anyone get convinced to do something like that? What is the sales pitch like from someone who is trying to convince anyone to do this? Is there a pre-condition that is necessary for a job like this? Any type of a personality test? Any form of hypnosis that is performed. 

How can anyone convince another person to give up their life for a stranger?

I have started to think about people I have known all my life to guess if any of them would sign up for this. Very few people seem that way. Now that I think about it, becoming a solider is a similar profession that is hard to be persuaded into voluntarily. 

On CNN today, they talked about how most of the people that were in the riot on Jan 6th were former military. A guest on the show talked about how it is the same type of people that gravitate towards military service that tend to buy in conspiracy theories that were shared by the group at the Capitol. I am not certain if that statement is 100% true but it had me thinking a lot today. Who are the people that are accepted into the military, police force and jobs like being a body guard? Is it a skill or a personality type that makes you ideal for a job like that? 

There's so many situations in the world where you could ask 'who would do that?' but still they get filled. Like a financially independent person might as 'who would give their whole lives up just for some corporation?' yet a lot of us do it and we know why. To the bodyguards who sign up to do that, they have their own whys that make sense.
2021-01-30 23:47:57
