Price of health

I see a few specialist throughout the year. It took me years to find the doctors I can work with. There is one doctor that took me a while to find and 4 months to book an appointment. He is an endocrinologist but has specializations in many other things as well.

After a few appointments I realized that he was a great doctor. He looks at things from multiple perspectives. He explains things to me in a way that makes me understand and trust him. He is open to testing things like CRP while all my other doctors refuse to do so. 

Last month I got an email from his practice introducing something called membership plans. He says he will become like a family personal doctor and we can get more access to him if we become members. The cost - $275 per month. Not covered by insurance. His explanation is that the insurance limitations take away from a proper patient doctor relationship. (I actually believe that insurance has a lot to do with the mess that is health care in the US)

I will see him for a maximum of 4 times a year - every three months. At $275 per month, it will cost me $3300 per year for the 4 visits. That is $825 per visit. I don't know if bloodwork will be a separate fee. 

Even if I was employed, that is a hefty price tag. I don't want to lose him as a doctor but I just can't afford it.