On the train again. Just can wait to be on the train again, life I love is moving quickly on the tracks. Just can't wait to be on the train again. Today was a strange day, that I spend on weird modes of transport. First a bike, thats not that weird, but maybe uncommon some places. Then a dingy, I am not sure how to spell it but its just an inflatable boat and we took it on the river. There is something nice being on the
. I never really had an accessible river growing up. It was considered gross and dirty. As it was from
, and ran right through the center of the city we received its effluent. It was not nice, some people fished, but never to catch always you have to throw it back. Being where I live now though, the river is alive, people even swim in it through the city. Not many people, but you do see it. That to me is nice. Every time I go on it you see the city from a different perspective, ducks perspective. Or swan, whatever you want.
Now I am on a
, something like a metal river, a lot less fun, and less sunny. There is no light and I can see my self in the window. Hello!
Now I am on a