A Dangerous Trend of DIY Baby Formula Has Gone Viral

I just read the headline. I didn't bother reading the story because I already know the content. Parents are struggling to find baby formula due to the current shortage, and they are looking for recipes to make their own baby formula. This trend will be regarded as "bad" and "dangerous." Tsk tsk you may only use baby formula approved under the FDA's most strict standards.

I have not had a vested interest in baby formula since I was a baby. I have no kids, but I understand how this is one more thing parents have to deal with on top of everything else lately.

Allow me to ask a basic question. We all know that the best nourishment for babies up to a certain age is good ol' mother's milk. Apparently, there exist many women who cannot breastfeed or pump for one reason or another. I get that. But babies have existed a lot longer than commercial baby formula. So what did we feed babies before all this formula existed?

By the way, there are recipes to make your own nutritious baby formula if need be. Dr. Mercola posted one in his recent newsletter. 

Were you breastfed or formula raised?
2022-05-24 02:12:20
Same. It was a surprise to me why anyone would use formula but apparently there are socioeconomic reasons for it.
2022-05-24 13:16:19