Like a Rolling Stone

I read today that Bob Dylan, or just Bob if I can call him that. Wrote 10 pages, just to get to the line like a rolling stone. This then exploded outward, and he added verses and choruses to make the song we know now. But before that, it was just a 10 page rhythmic rant towards a point of hatred in his life. He was wanting to quit music and he wasn't that happy with what he was writing. But this song he finally was happy with. 

This process I think has a lot of similarities to science, or the research process. Except for science your doing experiments looking down a microscope, shining lasers on stuff all that and there is usually less hatred (although maybe there should be more emotion). But you're still observing, or trying to. I think with writing its almost the same thing. Many small experiments over time. You let the numbers do the work for you or chance. Through one of the many conditions you'll see something interesting. Or something you enjoy. So you have to do it a lot if you want to see something interesting. 

I think you also have to do things that other people don't. In science (at least astronomy) there is a huge correlation when new techniques are invented, then new images appear and new research happens. I imagine with writing or science its a similar thing. 

But it does make me think if everyone is watching youtube shorts, or scrolling, will people ever write something like Bob? How many people do you know who regularly write 10 pages of rants? I guess reddit does have some long posts. This made me think lately on things I want to create am I leading a life towards that, or just doom scrolling it away? 

Well said. Where did you read about Bob Dylan needing to write 10 pages? 

The way popular platforms are designed, I feel like it's easy to shallowly engage in videos/newsfeeds for the majority of your downtime without fully realizing it.

Willpower generally seems insufficient, so I use a website blocker to block 'distractions' on all my devices :P 
2022-06-26 17:25:59