
I wish I could sort out all of those things for you. 
Like at the sand dunes 
That one time
We walked and walked and didn't wear the right shoes

But later it became apparent
further from you
there was sand
in the hallway and a lot of things left unsaid

I wish I could gather all those things up
like a pile
or a chart
Once their arranged I am sure we could see what it meant.

There was some sort of logic to it 
wasn't there?
But now I
guess there hasn't been anything there for awhile

Like a safe  taken to a dump
Open it
pry it
But  there isn't anything there is there

Its true you could probably find traces
Hire a team
Do forensics
But who has time for that anyway lets be honest

The water that day I remember was cold
but so blue
and so loud
We couldn't hear anything except the waves crashing

I think you said something to me because you changed your arms
maybe crossed
and face red
I think when I said something you replied nothing

On the way back we saw an Opossum and you asked
why it didn't 
play dead 
and I didn't know the answer to that either

 and I didn't think more of it
