Turn on the radio

"The other day some guy pulled a U-turn right in front of me. I had to turn on a dime to avoid ramming into him."

"Usually, they show U-turn. Like showing bunt in baseball."

"Not this dude. Came out of nowhere."

"And did you turn the radio down to concentrate?"

"Yes. I'm not the only one who does that you know."

"I can't remember the last time I turned on a radio."

"I wonder how sexy you have to be to turn on a radio."

"Not that kind of turned on."

"Oh, so what did the radio do to piss you off so much that you turned on it?"

"Not that turned on either."

"He he. You mean turned on as in pushed the button."

"Yes. First of all, the only radio I own is the one in the car. I haven't turned it on in years."

"So you just drive around in silence?"

"Nope. I have a device that uses Bluetooth so I can listen to my phone."

"So you're just listening to music you pick instead of music on the radio?"

"Not even listening to music. Mostly podcasts and maybe an occasional audiobook. No time for music."

"Well, I don't have time for fiddling around with my phone while driving. Easier to just turn the radio on."

"And listen to commercials non-stop. What's this fiddling around? You turn on a podcast and you're good, especially if it's a long one with no commercials."

"Yah, like Rogan's. Oh, that's right you wrote him off when he moved to Spotify."

"I already have Apple Music. I don't need Spotify. I catch clips of him every now and then to see what he's up to."

Just like one of those natural conversations in Jim Jarmusch movies 
2022-07-06 22:02:31
Drop everything you're doing and watch Coffee and cigarettes 
2022-07-07 15:21:26