The car was quite old, almost twenty years by this point, but it had only around 85 or so thousand miles on it. Tim would take much pride in how long he'd driven that thing, but I would always remind him that it wasn't so impressive to have a two decade old
that had less than 100 thousand miles on it.
"What do you mean? That's very impressive. The average bloke would have over two hundred thousand on it by now."
I thought it clever that he turned my statement on me. Yes it was quite impressive how little Tim drove. It must be because he works
, unlike the most of us in this small town. My commute isn't so bad personally but it still is quite significant. 30 minutes one way. Takes an hour of my day away from me. Away from my family.
But I can't much complain. Food is on the table and we get to go on vacations. Plus we have a bit of savings. Doing much better than much of the lot we brush shoulders with. Sometimes when I see a bloke who's truly down, I'll buy him a pint. He deserves at least that in this god forsaken world.