A walk

He wiped his eyes and pushed back his hair. He was sweating. The air was thick with humidity and there wasn’t any wind. From where he was walking there was any light, aside from the random car rushing by every once in awhile. He escaped  his parents house, with all of his belongings. A book his cousin gave him, that shirt his friend said was nice, and his backpack. It was good riddance. At least this time. He walked by a house closer to the road and you hear bugs flying around the porch light bouncing shadows here and there. At this rate he thought it would take him about an hour. So 4am. That should be fine. Pete wouldn’t get there till 6am anyway. 
He just didn’t want to draw suspicion until then. It’s not that he was doing anything illegal walking the road is fine but he wasn’t an adult so they could call his parents. A big if though. And it’s not like the cops drive around much out here. Above him power lines or fm cables buzzed and bugs brushed his ears. There was symbolism in this walk, he always said that though, there is symbolism in things everyone does. His dad told him that. People aren’t never saying what they really think. And like this he wasn’t really running away. He was doing something bigger than himself like this walk it’s just a symbol he thought. Like those bugs and all that. He put a piece of gum in his pocket and kept walking. Smiling even though no one was awake to see.