"What's wrong? I can tell. Something's off. Come on. I haven't seen you like this since the days... Well you know. Back when Sean was around. And Eduardo was threatening to shut down all our servers... and damn, we were still writing fucking
. God I miss those days in some ways. Don't you? Is that what's wrong, Mark?"
"You're not wrong about the missing the old days. I do sometimes long for those simpler times. You know some times I want to just write a simple web app. In PHP. Launch it anonymously. See who signs up."
"Nobody would. Fucking so many
Indie Hackers
these days.Webapp for picking your nose and even cleaning out your ear. We're working on something amazing, Mark! Let those plebs stick to their little toys."
"You're right. Still doesn't change how I feel about things."
"Psh. That's what fucks people over. Their feelings."
"Well then. What else is there?"
"Than what?"
"What else is there than feelings?"
"The truth? Money? I don't know a bunch of other things?"
"All of that only matters because it makes us feel a certain way. This is why my first million dollars doesn't feel anything like my next million. It never was about money... or accolades. Just was about how it would make us feel."
"You sound like someone who's forgot how to feel."