Indie Hackers

zuck and an old friend as reply to zuck

Abraham Kim
PHP Indie Hackers
"Mark... are you alright?"


"What's wrong? I can tell. Something's off. Come on. I haven't seen you like this since the days... Well you know. Back when Sean was around. And Eduardo was threatening to shut down all our servers... and damn, we were still writing fucking  PHP . God I...

Abe's Blog
The burden of Baz - I

200WAD Indie Hackers Baz Hacker News Product Hunt Writing habit website streaks 2018 place salmon profitable
I found 200WordsADay - 200WAD - on the twilight of 2018 .

One of the first things I noticed upon entering the site was the founder's profile picture: I thought he looked like such a super hero in that picture. It was an illustration of his face gleaming off into the...