A question left unanswered

as reply to sometimes

"Hold on a second, they showed up here because someone called the police to alert about a crime that either happened or is about to happen"

"Yeah, i wonder who could have been"

"I don't want to blame it on Camilla, but she's slightly deranged and, i forgot to tell you. This morning she messaged me saying that you walk around with a knife and you're dangerous"

"This bitch is out of her mind you should call and tell her to stop sending the police sniffing around"

During all this time Mark was walking around the kitchen table rubbing his head and trying to remember something from last nights dream.

In the meantime Fed was eating his eggs and meatloaf.

After a brief pause, Mark starts speaking again:

"What is your plan?"

"I don't have one, can i hang around there for a couple of days?"

"Sure mate, anything else i can do for you ?"

"Actually yeah, can I borrow your car for a few hours tonight?"

"Get yourself an Uber, I've got somewhere to go now" - he grabs his jacket, and, on the way out tells Fed: " If the police comes over again don't open "

"Roger that bro, where are you going" but, Mark was already out the apartment.

Replies to A question left unanswered