Finish a streak.

Today marks the end of the month. Another solid set of green boxes. Is that what we're here for? Is that what I'm here for?

Nah. It's the exercise. The park I live near doesn't care if I ride my bike in it. It doesn't care of people roller-skate or walk their dogs. The park is the park. Adagia is Adagia.

I did notice upon waking from my nap some ideas for tweets. That liminal state where your soul is trying to kick the rest of the body into action - but it can really only get your brain started for a few minutes until the muscles finish rolling their eyes thinking: "Can't you see we're fine? We don't need to get up." In this zone of brain-ready, body-not-compliant mode - some fun, often creative thoughts emerge.

I wanted to tweet: If personality types were belly buttons, there'd be innies and outies. I didn't. On the introvert / extrovert vein, I thought: Who's more productive on Twitter? Then I thought, extroverts probably make more friends ( they need / want more) and Introverts probably share their awesome projects and thus get more shares and retweets - thus being the winners. Feeling like I knew the answer, I didn't tweet it.

Now that I'm finishing this month on Adagia, I'm starting a new challenge at 750words. It'll be another month of typing my muddled thoughts into a degree of clarity. I'll continue using Adagia as a workout. I'll also pith in a few thoughts over at GoLifeLog and slide in some visuals for Daily Visual. 

March 1st marks the start of the first Bird in Public cohort. By myself, this project would have died already. By this time next month, I'm guessing I'll be saying: "Partner" as the single-word answer to the question: "How did you focus on the project for a whole month?"
Glad to hear that introverts can win on Twitter. 
2021-03-01 16:19:11
In the short run I believe extraverts look like they win. But in the long run the introverts just usually have more to share because they're working on things.

Now with that said. Not all introverts are productive and not all extraverts lack productive focus. 

In the end work with what you got. Be a bad ass. Strike first. Strike Hard. No Mercy.
2021-03-01 18:00:10