
I went to the movies this afternoon. Watch an ok movie. I just liked the whole going out to do something part more than the movie itself. 

As soon as I got to the destination, the first thing I noticed is the number of people that were in costume. I totally forgot that it was Halloween eve. It isn't a holiday I remember cause I rarely ever do anything on Halloween. Back when we used to go to the office in person, there would be costume competitions that were interesting but I never took part in those either. It just wasn't my thing. 

Maybe it is the influence of my culture. Most immigrants I know do not celebrate Halloween. Particularly the religious ones. There are some scary and unusual things about Halloween that is a cultural shock to many. I totally get the candy part of Halloween but the scary outfits and images are not things I like. I don't get any joy from skipping a beat. 

I will be staying in all day tomorrow. 
So what movie did you watch ?
2022-10-31 14:44:20
I watched Amsterdam... it started slow but got better.
2022-10-31 20:37:37