Self Discovery

I did something interesting today.
Part of a course assignment was taking a personality test. I have done that test many times and find the results interesting.

When I did it this time, I was told I am INFJ-A Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging and Assertive.... and I am an advocate.

If my memory is correct, I have always been something close all my life. Since I had to do something for the assignment, I took time to read everything the results said about me. I found this part very interesting and accurate.

"Advocates (INFJs) have a deep desire for authenticity and sincerity in everything they do – from their daily activities to their relationships. As a result, people with this personality type rarely settle for friendships of convenience. Rather than rely on superficial interactions with the people they see every day at work or school, they generally prefer to have a close circle of confidants.

Advocates tend to light up around friends who share their passions, interests, and beliefs. Few things give these personalities more pleasure than connecting with others over discussions about meaningful ideas and philosophies. Once Advocates know they can trust someone completely, they find it incredibly fulfilling to share their innermost thoughts, ideas, and feelings with them."

The first step in trying to build a personal brand is knowing yourself. Though these tests aren't the best way to know a person, I think there are parts of it that are on point. The self discovery continues. 
2022-01-14 00:39:54