Laravel 8.29 is Released

I'm not a Laravel fanboy.

I'm not a fanboy at all. ( okay, maybe some things that I won't even admit to myself )

And, I'm missing out on all the fun.

When you're a Laravel fan, you're either enamored with the art that Taylor infuses into his code - or you're thinking you can start your own Saas, grow a pair, and start rapping in your Twitter replies thanks to your newfound coding confidence.

Either way, I want in.

I follow some list of PHP signal on Twitter and saw the Laravel News ping light up my radar. I have yet to check it out. I've got Bulletproof coffee to brewsip and pith to wordwrite first.

In Laravel 8.29 there are some new features that are going to make development a joy. The headline grabbers include the "setUpTestDatabase()" callback in parallel testing, support for closures in factory sequences, a collect() method on the HTTP client response -- and much more. 

Even if none of that makes sense to you, here's what you should know. The creator of Laravel, Taylor Otwell - has gotten so intimate with his tools, and simultaneously, the problems of Saas developers, that he can bake a new million-dollar per year Saas project as easily as I bake cookies. Maybe not quite that easy. I hope not. If so, I need to de-focus my cookie effort and re-focus my Laravel effort.

Either way, I'm sliding out my new 0%-interest-for-18-months credit card and buying a one-way ticket on the Fanboy Express that is Laravel.
Laravel is free, what are you even trying to buy with that 18 month 0 percent interest credit card?

By the way. This is probably one of the best testimonials for Laravel I've seen:

When you're a Laravel fan, you're either enamored with the art that Taylor infuses into his code - or you're thinking you can start your own Saas, grow a pair, and start rapping in your Twitter replies thanks to your newfound coding confidence.
2021-02-24 18:48:52
I just had to read this.

Laravel Forever!!!!
2021-02-24 19:49:10