
a lecture as reply to November Blue

Abraham Kim
glasses coffee TikTok murder BPSL
"It's fascinating," the man with glasses sipped his coffee then took a long breath before continuing, "that we as a society have gotten so hung up about this one fact. Did he in fact kill that girl?"

The students waited. Usually this classroom was filled with kids watching TikTok or falling...

Flash Fiction Practice

rain glasses mist
When he got out to the street, he realized the party was over. His car was one of the only one there.

As he walked to it, he could hear the other group leaving in the distance, walking off, their voices trailing into the air.

The air was a sheet of  mist...

PO Box 915
more juice as reply to Apple Juice

Abraham Kim
cafe teeth barista apple juice juicebox scones glasses hipsters students smoothie
"PT!" Zach shouted in glee as PT arrived in the lobby sipping the  apple juice . He still didn't think of it as his apple juice, but rather that lady's who was staying upstairs.

"Hey aren't you forgetting something?" Zach asked.

PT made a face to signal that he didn't know what...