
extermination as reply to The facts

Abraham Kim
coffee Blockchain crypto detective eggs murder evil authority
It's not about what you know. It's about what you can prove.

The thought rolled in his mind as he continued chewing onto the last remaining skin of the apple. He wouldn't swallow it for another ten minutes or so. Not until he arrived at the cafe and he could wash...
Bad is not Evil

Evil is a special type of chaos. Evil is not a thing but a set of conditions that spiral out of control.


I enjoyed reading this because the first part led me to be thinking what is expressed in that line above.

I believe 
is the 
finally being paid back to the piper for small things that compound and 'spiral out of control'

these small things are little things that couldn't be considered evil on it's own. just little everyday things... but things that rob us of our 

our world is an aggregate of these small poisonings and thus i don't think we can ever expect to salvage the debt of 7 plus billion souls.

humanity can only be found in oasis' shared by small scale relationships.
Abraham Kim