
at the edge of the east wing as reply to Clamy

Abraham Kim
bus weekend homework
He had gone to last hour prepared so that when the final bell rang, he could theoretically go straight to the bus without stopping by his locker.

It was 2:25. He had to find Patel within 11 minutes. At 2:40 the bus would leave. Penn figured he could make it to...

greg the idiot as reply to Or Strange

Abraham Kim
Chevy bus radio ads internet echo chamber
Greg had a routine. After Stacey was out and about driving the kids, he would get into their Chevy Malibu and drive down roads bus number 8 would never travel. It took him on a more roundabout way to his destination, but the route was scenic. A peaceful way to...

penn on friday morning as reply to Let me show you

Abraham Kim
hope bus autumn winter
The weekend was near. Most kids were eager to be out of school. Come Monday morning, whispers and brags of all the fun things that they experienced would fill the hallway. Penn would listen to it all with a stone face. Making a direct lineย  to his first class. In...

bus stop as reply to Still Listening

Abraham Kim
bus time voice college Westcity Asian optimism
They hadn't planned a meeting spot before heading out. They agreed to call each other and triage live. But his phone was about to die. So he sent a text saying ' meet at the corner of Jacob and Penny '.

When he arrived at the intersection there were about seven...


The bus lurched and turned tearing around corners. Hey hows it going, that'll be one fifty. And we're he at 96.7 the edge, he's free beer and I'm hot wings. I love these guys he thinks to himself at 5:40 in the morning not a soul on the street, and...