The bus lurched and turned tearing around corners. Hey hows it going, that'll be one fifty. And we're he at 96.7 the edge, he's free beer and I'm hot wings. I love these guys he thinks to himself at 5:40 in the morning not a soul on the street, and only one guy on the
. At the red light he drinks his water, one down already if he keeps going like this he'll drink all his water for the day by 2. He burps a bit nice. Morning Ray, he points out of the bus at another going the other way, the other driver nods. He thinks to himself Morning Pete. Pete pulls the bus right, and pulls into the stop the first student of the day gets on not even a glance and scans their student card. A starbucks in hand, Pete thought why are they even open so early. The girl had headphones in, a guy running behind her made it to the bus and while breathing heavily tapped his card Hows it going thank you. Pete thought to himself this guy gets it. Pete takes a sip of his coffee now, he was at stop 15 so by now the coffee was drinkable, on the other side of westcity, before 10 you'd burn your tongue. He shuts the doors with a pull and lurches forward. The guy and the girl sway to the right then to the left.