Whole Foods
This is a great snippet because it leverages expectations of the detective/dark genre in a quite good way.

It allowed me to notice also what makes a good intro in this genre. Two things are needed. Some level of mystery (the case is not fully revealed and is left in the dark even) and some routine. The routine of 
Whole Foods
and the drive and nghtcap gives it some familiarity. Allows us to feel close to the dark and dangerous in a relatable way. And finally quirkyness. Like what are those 18 albums in rotation? Why are they in rotation? And this idea about familiarity and routine and the mind being left alone.

Good stuff!
Abraham Kim

Flash Fiction Practice
On the 27th floor

Whole Foods Peter Thiel Youtube Naked
On the 27th floor I saw a butterfly on the other side of my glass wall. I wondered how it could've ever gotten so high. I thought of a story of a window cleaner who was also a butterfly collector who had brought it with them up to work. And...