The Old Guard Down
I was thinking about how some faucets of a person can shine more true within the workplace environment or on a random corner of the internet.

in technology projects there's the idea of 
. As a projects gets larger there are unresolved issues/bugs that just keep lingering.

I think in longer term relationships these lingerers are more brought to attention. LIke "hey look i did this good thing!" the other people in our 'real' relationships might say "well okay, but look at all this other shit you need to take care of!"

That doesn't happen at work because it's greenfield. You don't have a backlog of issues/bugs. You just get to shine within a tightly scoped faucet of yourself. Shine bright no matter how small the scope is. It's becaus they don't really know how you are that they get to just appreciate that little thing. 
Abraham Kim