
Weird as reply to stan's day

Instagram TikTok Zillow
"At every occasion, I'll be ready for the funeral"


"Its that song, you know Band of Horses, the chorus"

"No, I know the song, just at this time feels a bit off" Derek told his wife.

"I like it, its nice to listen to sad music sometimes. I never knew thats what...

Flash Fiction Practice
John Cena and Peter Thiel rent a car

Westcity John Cena Peter Thiel New York Dodge Ram BMW Hertz Enterprise Zillow
The Dodge Ram didn't drive as smooth as the BMW . That's the sort of things you needed to do when you weren't in a big city like SF where you were surrounded by luxury cars everywhere so a sleek ride didn't attract any eyeballs.

They were out in Westcity ,...