

Zack had so many clients . They all wanted his hours. But he had only 24 to give them each day. Well actually he could only give them at most 14. Sleep, eating, and the occasional social event the cause. But 14 was burning him out. So he went down...


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He was a  Wordpress consultant. He didn't know how he became that. When he first learned to  code he picked up some gigs writing Wordpress features for random  clients . This was in his early twenties. It was a good way to make some change while figuring out what the...

Flash Fiction Practice
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Abraham Kim
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By the time he walked into the menagerie of 10AM at the office, he was calm about everything. He knew he'd get out of this. He'd gotten himself into worse situations before. Plus now that he thought about it, his wife catching him  cheating wasn't the biggest of his worries.


Shark Swim

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IV This would be a boring story if it were just of me running a software consultancy and hanging out with my startup founder friend for  coffee here and there. That is not what this story is about. Today I'm no longer involved with that old devshop. My partner and...