
a text from the big dog as reply to His Life

Abraham Kim
lunch guilt
lunch was usually a relaxing affair for Group A. For the most part, their job was complete by the time lunch rolled around. So long as they accomplished their stretch of the daily experiment that day. On the rare occasion they dropped the ball, then lunch was unpleasant. Almost not...

idling as reply to Chill

Abraham Kim
cortisol deadline coffee caffeine Work lunch boring Twitter Netflix
Hector watched the cortisol infused rats scuttling around.

People had places to be. And they had to have been there ten minutes ago. deadline s were past due. And the  coffee was no longer hitting. Though they still needed the coffee. That was not up for discussion. Even when the  caffeine...

before lunch as reply to undead

Abraham Kim
9 to 5 lunch API Logitech Twilio
Sam Barley sat lazily, throbbing back and forth against the mesh net of his mid-tier office chair, thinking about one thing: the only thing guys in their mid 20s employed at a 9 to 5 thought of at this time of day. He rubbed his belly. lunch .

He wondered whether...

X-Series [2]
Lunch Alone

high school lunch daydreamers
In high school I remember being best friends with someone who made me feel terribly uncomfortable.

To this you might say, how can you call them your best friend?

But similar to how adults with responsibilities stay in jobs they might hate, that's how this friendship felt.

Seems bizarre now to remember how...