Jilted Joe

She broke up with him over text. The bitch. They say love and hate are just two sides of the same coin, and she'd picked the coin up off the table and slammed it back down on the opposite side. How could she just do that like that?

She'd done this before. That time he'd felt better about it, even though, in theory, he had more feelings for her then. Did he have fewer but deeper feelings now? "What a weird relationship," thought Joe.

He just wanted what they had, and she was clearly saying she was walking away from that. He had just talked to her, told her that he wanted more of that. He'd told her he loved her. It was true. She didn't say anything in response. He knew that was true, too.

He just wanted to be desired like that again, to desire like that again. He wanted to steal knowing glances across a room. He wanted to enjoy buying coffee for someone.

But all that was gone. "What a weird relationship," thought Joe.
Please do not write about breakups. It's a very bad topic and should be censored from every crevice of the internet no matter how obscure
2021-02-09 14:32:47
We should start a sadbois tribe. I'm sad af
2021-02-11 19:45:30