
I've heard folks say Highschool days were the most fun. Yeah, I say the same too. Secondary school had stupid and really crazy activities, it was all fun those days. Everything was either a joke or banter. Our reunion WhatsApp group proves this.

But most of my meaningful friends were forged in my university days. We spent four years of our lives together.

Some we chitchat daily, others not so. But we catch up quick and maturely either we've not spoken in days or not.

I spent last week travelling and visiting old friends. All were friends I met at the university. Reminiscing and seeing my friends make progress brought me joy.

More importantly, it's very good to have friends who've been with you long enough. They help you put a lot of things into perspective.

Grateful for the gift of friends.

Replies to Friendship
Friends: The gift you get to work for.
2021-01-10 17:07:52
Just turning a comment i was about to write into a post. Gonna make this a feature lol
2021-01-10 17:38:30