Brandon Wilson @therealbrandonwilson

Brandon Wilson last shared their writing PTO Donation
I saw a post on the website, which somehow floated to my SmartNews feed. First of all, writing a paragraph and then posting screenprints of comments from social media does not count as anything close to a news story. Nevertheless, since I have personal experience with the topic, I...
Brandon's Pantry
🍣 23 Sushis
🧇 22 Waffles
🥟 21 Dumplings
🍪 12 Cookies
🥚 29 Eggs
🍓 14 Strawberries
🥓 31 Bacons
🍺 23 Beers
🍫 22 Chocolate Bars
🥃 24 Whiskeys
☕️ 26 Coffees
🥩 20 Steaks
🍊 22 Tangerines
🍵 26 Teas
🍍 18 Pineapples

Yes I remember therealbrandonwilson using some acronym SMART that helped prevent this. It basically requires that you have some type of metric that's actually observable that you can compare to...

The Spark

abrahamKim   I decided on hats because I'm a big fan of wearing hats and I wanted a physical reminder to pursue the things that light me up.  I wanted...


  therealbrandonwilson if I had to choose today, I'd choose Adagia. I consider this small crew friends and I like being able to follow the path  abrahamKim is on in...