Documenting Adagia
11 posts 4,140 words
started 2020-12-19 16:18:35
Sharing notes about this site as it goes along. Could be useful to others.
After two weeks
Because 200WAD was coming to a close I spun up this site. At first two others in the community -- including jasonleow -- were working on spinoffs. Each spinoff had its own goals and values. For example, Jason's is about setting goals, and...
ProtoIdea for social-streaks
I've always found the social component of 200WAD as its main driver of consistency. Baz even wrote some extra features for therealbrandonwilson 's TeamStreak, which included writers who had a minimum of 30 days on their current writing streak. But 200WAD's streak was...
After Four Weeks
I'm happy to see we have a tiny crew of regulars here. I actually look forward to coming here to see what discourse has brewed while i was gone. It feels like a little corner of home* that I remember 200WAD feeling like.

I actually like that we are currently invite-only...
After six weeks
Six weeks is a sweet spot when you are hopeful about the next possible steps but also feeling the growing backlog. This is the time where if the project hasn't died yet then just the right mixture of impatience and excitement might drive you to jump to acceleration. To double...
After eight weeks
My goal for the past two weeks had been to sustain the same work input into Adagia, but refrain from implementing anything new and instead focus on refactoring and maintenance. I'm proud to admit, that I made a big boo-boo. Big A mistake that I can admit was suboptimal, but...
The writing you look back on and cherish
From writing consistently since the end of 2018 I've come to cherish the art of consistent writing. Like therealbrandonwilson said writing is a gift that gives three times. 

a gift to yourselfa gift to others a gift of history
No matter what you write, doing so...
Autopilot product dev
We do most things without consideration.  80% of our days is a result of our habits rather than conscious deliberation*. This is obvious in things that are obviously habits like our morning coffee or an afternoon walk or a post dinner dessert. But I've seen this auto-pilot mode occurring also...
Promising productivity vs promising something else
The value propositions of most apps are easily tangible. A dashboard promising to increases writers' visibility into engagement levels or a unified app that allows marketers to control multiple email and social media accounts from a single solution.

When it comes to apps serving writers it's unsurprising that this same approach...
Don't work on a deadline
This week I've been working on things that feel so far from a deadline that it doesn't even feel like one exists. Technically I'm closing the current building phase for Adagia in 2-3 weeks, but this feels like plenty of breathing room to me.

The kind of deadline that makes me...
Adagia after 14 weeks -- the first microphase
Another six weeks in the bag. Building is done. Now it's time to step back to clean and tidy up. And most importantly... reflect.

Here's what took place 👇

Entering these six weeks I had been tunnel-visioning the Tribes User interaction. This was because my goal was to help writers work on...
Ever think of writing a memoir?
When two of my friends lost their dad last year, the obituary left an impression on me. I was struck by how poorly obituaries capture a someone's essence. I never felt like I was reading about my friends' dad. What I read felt more like an official PR statement.
