The color Blue

as reply to masala chai

The other man watches the camera. He was there to make sure even with the launch of the blue man’s pumpkin spiced lattes they were still selling like normal. They were still being prepared all to the same standard. Since yesterday it was rumoured someone poisoned a man from his shop he just had to check. He didn’t know what was in that spice that makes everyone go crazy. But if the blue man has a deal, he should buy stock too. But he had to do quality control. He doubts anyone would poison a drink anymore. He doubted a lot of the things in the news. He saw one person move the cup to another station then another worker move it to the right area. He wrote their names down. That was a bit of an unnecessary movement. But one was new wasn’t he. He checked the schedule they both worked that day too. Suspicious. But why poison someone? He didn’t know but he texted the manager their names.  

The other man in the suit thought endorsements were the future if they lose some views online they make up for them in stores. He thought also they could sweeten the deal. The blue man’s pumpkin spice lattes could have something extra inside a special compound to make people like the color blue. In focus groups it was safe enough and only around a 20% increase. 
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