Begin again the man in the suit sad. The Blue man was tired by then, but apparently this had to be perfect. He would walk into the BlueBucks and order a
. Easy, but then he had to drink it. Calmly in front of everyone. By this point he had drank five BPSLs and his hands were shaking from the caffeine or the methlyene blue. He wasn't sure. The man in the suit frowned. If they can't nail this he thought they would be done for.
He thought back to a long time ago when he was learning to write cursive. He loved writing until then. The words would pour out of him and he could write pages and pages in a sloppy script. But once he had to write nice it was over. Like being forced to walk around in a circle over and over again. Not a new thought, stay along the line. He would cry and his dad would say begin again. He must have written enough words to fill a bath tub, but his dads begin again would drain it out of him. For some reason he needed blue to feel like that, to make sure it was perfect.