Denver wasn't necessarily a happy man, even when he met the weird guy in the park he wasn't happy. He wasn't gunna kill himself. In a way he had everything he needed. A bed at the shelter as long as he got there by 4. A job, that paid enough for him to buy what he wanted, or at least what he needed. And his health was alright. He wasn't dying or nothing.
He dreamed maybe when he was younger to be a car guy, he liked him or he liked talking about them, but tools weren't his thing. He now was cook, and on some days a cleaner. When they needed shifts and all that. But and he can't really pin point where, but at some point these dreams just seemed harder to obtain, and realistically after he came home drunk too many times and his girlfriend left him thats when it was tough. Not that the breakup was bad, he was kind of happy in a way. They weren't really in love, just helping each other exist. But that was when he had to learn how to sleep on the streets. Now he thinks back on the stupid things he used to do. Like pick up cans, it made nothing. Or sleep in the parks, getting woken up by cops or really whoever, no you learn slowly. The shelters were nice, as long as you get there early, and stay in your bed that way no one could steal it.
Lately his health was declining bout the time he met Blue. He also though fell into some luck, his brother was getting rid of a van. So he and Blue used it to travel for awhile and the shelter was free so he had some money saved, at least enough to
, or
anything that breaks.
I like how you got into the personal story of Denver, you managed to convey well an image of him, and that's the key o think to knowing someone we begin to care abot them the moment when we know their life story. Who was he initially, his origins, what happened to him ? Major events or experiences. How these experiences have transformed him.. it's almost like a journey and a transition from one character to another.
Never. All that matters about a person is where they work and what books they've read and how much they can bench press and how beautiful their monkey is.