Thats how it always is

as reply to catch up?

Will after the service rode home alone. He was thinking about what the priest said, and he thought it was weird their parents had a priest, as Jesse wasn't religious. But at that point I guess you just do whatever you think will help. He hated seeing her parents like that. Though they were being the same, there supposed to be a bonfire the next night. He was thinking about his dad, and what he would say. 

People grieve different, some people want to be left alone others want food, other just want to drink.

Will didn't know which one he would be. Him and Jess were close though. I mean I guess they were closer back then, and the same distance he became to everyone he became with her. But they would always text funny things, articles back and forth. It just didn't make sense.

As he thought this he pulled into a the gas station. And another car was just sitting there. Three guys ran out carrying all sorts of chips and some food. In a second they were all in the car and the car tore off. The gas station guy was outside then, just looking around. 

You see the car?

Will replied not really, it all happened so fast. 

He replied, thats how it always is. Damn. 

The guy kicked the curb. And Will said sorry. 

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