After the service Will runs into Allison leaning against the brick right outside the
doors. The way she's standing makes it feel like she was waiting there for him all along. But that can't be. He must be imagining. For they have't spoken in over five years. Will has changed so much. Had she? She looked the same to him. Although that's how it always happened. People you grew up with didn't look like they aged even though if you were to look at an old
you'd be astounded by how young you both once looked.
"So you're around awhile?"
"Yeah." he wonders how she already knows this. Considers asking how she knew, but doesn't
"That's nice. I'll be here too."
Has she not been here the entire time? he wonders. The things you miss out on by not being on
. Craving a
, Will considers asking if she has one even though he knows that Allison would never smoke. Sometimes you ask for things from people not because they have them, but because you want to say something. Maybe in high school he felt cool smoking a cigarette. At this age smoking provided the opposite of cool.
It was seeing Allison that brought this old craving. Brought back these old behaviors. Old feelings.
"You want to catch up?"
The question surprised Will. The two had never hung out alone before.