Medium Coffee

The thick fog cleared up soon after J was on land. Now there was plenty to see just walking around taking everything in. Buildings, signs, birds, and people. So much novel stimuli striking him that he couldn't imagine ever becoming bored. This excited him for a moment. Suddenly his brain filled with thoughts of how the rest of his life would be. And then he had to ground himself. He reminded himself why he had come in the first place. It wasn't to enslave himself to the sensory pleasures that the big city had to offer. No. He had a mission. A big one. 

For a moment he thought about getting a coffee at the StreakBuck's. But then he thought he should just go to the boarding house. They would probably have free coffee there. He would save four bucks this way. Not that saving money mattered at this time. He had plenty of it. But still, he didn't like the idea of spending money without purpose. 

The boarding house ended up being further than he'd expected. It was nearing the hour mark of the walk when he found himself for the first time wondering how long this walk was going to take. Until that moment the scenery had been too interesting for him to even care whether the walk would be 10 minutes or 100. But now that he was at the one hour mark he figured different. This part of the city was quieter. Less stimulation. More dirty, too. But there was one thing this district had in common with the bustling commercial area near the docks. StreakBuck's. He convinced himself that it would be okay paying for a coffee given that the afternoon was growing late and chances were good that the boarding house would no longer be serving coffee.

He went inside to be welcomed by a pleasant looking girl. He ordered a medium coffee, but asked for it to be served in a large cup. You got more that way. But he told the girl he had sensitive hands while rubbing his palms together to demonstrate his underlying health condition. 

"Oh no I totally get it."

"Thank you."

He got his coffee and sat down. He could afford a ten minute break anyhow with his medium coffee. There were no plans for that day. He wouldn't start his streak until tomorrow so he might as well enjoy his idle time while he had it. Once his streak began he knew that things would never be the same. 

All around him were streakers who were busy hustling. Some faces looked happy. Some wired. A few depressed. One guy in the corner on his laptop looked like a mix of all three. J opened the top of his cup to guage how much coffee he was given. The pleasant barista had filled it nearly to the top. J thought he was going to love the shit out of Streak City.
Streakbucks lol Might as well waste money on a coffee, the timer is ticking in the afternoon.
2021-03-21 01:31:33

Streak City