Good Writing

Almost 15 years ago, my sister sent me an article to read. I read it immediately and was surprised at the content. I knew the message was profound for the time in my life when I read it. My sister and I talked about the piece for hours. It was a very different type of writing and very persuasive. 

This last weekend, I started reading a book by a therapist. I have had the book in my collection for some time but never started reading it. Something about the title made me hesitate. But after reading several back to back fiction, I decided to take a chance on a the self help book by the therapist. 

I finished the book this morning. And I find myself thinking about the book more and more. It is a book written by a therapist about her experience with her patients and her own therapist. She breaks down how things in our past affect our present. How therapy is a need in this present day fast paced stressful life. I found myself feeling like I need to see a therapist. Some of the events of the last few years have been heavy for me. I am not sure that I have unpacked it all. Such traumatic life events end up showing up later in life if not addressed and understood. 

As I think about all that, I decide that I want to write the book a nice review. That is the least I can do for this great book. Then I find that the author has written other books. I dig deeper to find that this same therapist also wrote the article my sister sent to me so many years ago. I called my sister and told her about it. She immediately recalled the article. It had a profound effect on her too. 

I have to admit - the author is gifted.
That writer

*slow claps*

Who was it actually?
2022-12-14 23:04:55
Lori Gottlieb - the book I read is called -'Maybe you should talk to someone.'
2022-12-15 00:43:34
I can actually see that Sir Abe
2022-12-15 22:43:48