What was his name?

as reply to you remember that kid?

Andrew thought about all the ways to contact the kid. It’s been almost a year. He looked at the computer that has all the mail records. Deciding quickly, there’s no way he could find him. But why was he at the hopsital. I guess it could have been anything. But wasn’t there that shooting? Maybe he typed. One boy shot. Holy shit, he’s now an influencer. What? What happened to him? He spent an hour going through the videos. Reading all the things he wrote about the event. Then he saw it. A picture with the kid he was sure of it. 1 year ago, but nothing since then. Where was he now. He could go to the school. Maybe that was too creep he thought. His stomach groaned, and he clenched it. Waves of cramps came over him here and there feeling a knife. He held his breathe. And the feeling left just as fast as it came. 

He told Andrew the next day. He was at that school. You remember that kid. All over the internet talking about it. They were friends. What was his name? 
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