Roger had no idea what his 2 PM coffee companion did with his life. Although they met every weekday for in depth conversations he never asked about the details of the guy's life. Strange how that worked. It seemed more the case with
. The ability to engage in intense discourse without ever feeling the need to learn the details of the other person's everyday
There was a pride in it for Roger. He liked these relationships. It made him feel like a modern version of those ancient philosophers. Roger felt wise because he had no need for small talk. He could simply dive into what mattered. Although lately, he was beginning to find the everyday details to be what mattered. But with his daily coffee buddy he still enjoyed discussing what he considered 'big' ideas.
Roger didn't know what his coffee buddy did with his life. It was obvious that he worked a lot. Probably didn't have a family. And did something in either engineering or technology. Too much of the topics he shared dealt in software and the economy for him to be merely a hobbyist.