
as reply to food

On Earth Keith was simple about food. For his whole life it was about the amount of calories. If you asked him back then what food he liked the most he wouldn't have had an answer either. He preferred McDonalds, the cheapest and the most calories. They designed it to taste good so it must be good he used to think. But it wasn't like anything was really better than the other design. He thought about this some more. He did really like the eggs on the ship, they were some kind of poached egg. But made a strange vaccuum sealed bag. With those it reminded him of his mom. She was always with her friend over smoking a drinking coffee, that turned into wine, then to something harder. At the end of the night he would be hungry. She would get angry at first asking him why he didn't make his own damn food. Her friend would calm her down. Then they would cook, this would mix with the smoke and coffee and wine smell. So he associated that with food. These eggs, he didn't know why, always reminded him of that, and how Marianna laughed, just like his mom's friend.
Replies to Eggs