
as reply to Still There


There were screams. Muffled.

"Hey! You fucking asshole!"


The youngish man took off his ear buds. Non-chalantly looked over at the screaming man. Why did that face look so familiar? It wasn't just the face actually. Something about the way he was moving. The man outside was bouncing from one feet to the other, flailing his arms. Screaming Hey!!!

The youngish man felt like he was listening to a song that he had heard so many times but couldn't place a finger on. Oh well, he thought.

The door whined as it came ajar. The flailing man stopped his antics. Instead took heavy breaths to recover oxygen.

"Did you just see what happened?"


The two walked over to the mess. That was the most accurate description. A mess. Looking down you could be reminded of the a dirty range stove. Crusted on red sauce and burnt oil.

"Looks like a shit show."

The man who had just stopped taking deep breaths jolted at the young man. Grabbed him by the collar. But then did nothing. No punches. Just staring into each other.

Yes. He definitely knew this man. He didn't know from where. But looking into his eyes he knew he had seen him. Not just in passing. But as a part of his everyday life. But from where?

His hands let go of the collar. He plopped down onto the sand and began to weep.

"Oh come on."

No reply.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

The sobs continued.

"Do you want to go get a coffee or something? I think we should probably get out of here sooner than later."
Replies to mess
