He was working on a novel. Everyday he was diligent. Got up early did some exercise drank a nice
. Then took a cold shower. He wasn't like other people his age. He was prepping for something big. After work he would go to a bar and get a
alcohol free
beer. Every sip he thought was crisp, it still took the edge off. He had one friend from his work he would meet. They were virtual mostly, but they met in person, for like an hour. The other guy had two kids and was always complaining about time. The writer didn't care.
The guy with the kids would always ask.
What do you do with all that time?
To his other friends with kids he would talk bad about bachelors, of course they did all those things, they have so much time. Without kids you have so much time. Without work.
The guy with the kids would ask.
You travel though, surely all the money you save?
The other guy responded.
If you watched me from like google maps the only place I go my couch, my kitchen, and this bar. Thats it man.
The man with the kids drank his beer in disbelief. He felt like the other guy wasn't living his life.